Putting the Bite Back in Your Auger Teeth & Other Helpful Auger Maintenance Tips

Date Posted: 22 December 2022 

Putting the Bite Back in Your Auger Teeth & Other Helpful Auger Maintenance Tips main image Putting the Bite Back in Your Auger Teeth & Other Helpful Auger Maintenance Tips image

Whether you use Auger Torque augers or Digga augers, anyone who has experience working in construction and agriculture will tell you that augers are a fundamental mechanical tool necessary for any project that involves large-scale digging. To be fair, augers are really complex pieces of machinery. However, they are incredibly effective when you need to bore holes through rocks and other earth materials. Whether you are planting seeds within an agricultural environment or drilling holes in preparation for the installation of foundation poles in construction, augers have multiple purposes.

Essentially, if the task involves repetitive digging motions, an auger can help. So rather than digging using a spade, investing in an auger can save you lots of time and effort. With that being said, augers don’t come cheap. That is why, if you are lucky enough to have an auger at your disposal, it is in your interest to ensure that this essential piece of equipment is kept in tip-top condition by establishing a comprehensive maintenance schedule.

Naturally, this is easier said than done, which is why we are here to help. To assist you, we’ve come up with some top tips for auger maintenance that will not just extend the life of your tool but will ensure it works at its best.


Why You Need to Set Up a Maintenance Schedule for Your Auger

Before getting stuck into giving you our advice for maintaining your auger, let’s look at the reasons you should priorities auger maintenance.


Ensures the Value of Your Investment In the Long Term

Augers are heavy-duty pieces of equipment that should be seen as a long-term investment. Although the intensity of the work augers are used for, and the regularity at which it is used will determine their longevity, so too does maintenance. For instance, cleaning the auger teeth after use to keep the blades sharp, well-aligned and properly attached will ensure that the auger remains effective over the course of time. Routine care of your auger will also prevent long-term issues such as rust, chipping and fractures, which could cause the tool to fail prematurely.


Keeps the Machinery Working Efficiently & Effectively

Without proper maintenance, your auger’s components will experience increased wear. Sure, augers are built to work under pressure, but it is up to you to keep the machinery in its optimal condition whereby it can work most effectively. If parts of your auger become worn, and aren’t inspected and replaced on schedule, the auger won’t work as efficiently as it should. You’ll likely notice that tasks take longer, in fact. Furthermore, when the auger isn’t functioning at its optimal level, additional pressure will be put on the components, which can cause the equipment to fail even sooner.


Avoid Unnecessary Damage & Repairs

Speaking of machinery failure, it is not unheard of to experience mechanical issues with augers. After all, they are doing a tough job. However, properly scheduled maintenance and cleaning will ensure that the auger doesn’t experience any unnecessary damage due to neglect.


Save Money

Having to replace an auger completely is expensive. The cost of repairs and replacing parts constantly due to unnecessary damage can add up too. Therefore, ensuring that your auger is serviced and maintained on schedule will have financial benefits, which in turn will have effects on your bottom line.


Our Top Auger Maintenance Tips & Tricks

Now that we’ve established how important properly scheduled auger maintenance is, let’s take a look at some useful auger maintenance tips and tricks to get you started.


Maintaining Auger Teeth Through Correct Usage

Auger's teeth do a lot of hard work and, as such, will experience some general wear and tear over time. Using your auger correctly and selecting the right auger teeth for the job will ensure you get the most out of the auger teeth as well as other components. With that being said, auger teeth will likely need to be replaced at some point down the line, depending on how often you use your auger and the intensity with which it is wielded.

It is also worth considering the type of environment in which you’ll predominantly be using the auger. You need to pick the right teeth for the job to minimise damage to the auger teeth and the auger itself. Additionally, when the going is tough, it’s best not to push your auger. Sometimes, you need to take it more slowly. Also, you’ll need to pay greater attention to your auger and check for signs of damage more often.


Inspecting Your Auger Regularly

You’ll need to inspect your auger regularly to ensure that everything is working as it should. Keep an eye out for signs of wear and tear each time you use the machinery. Check the alignment of teeth, as this is what determines the performance and productivity of the machine. Since looseness is what usually causes misalignment, check the fastening of the auger teeth and make adjustments as necessary. Likewise, be mindful if you notice that the auger is not performing as well as you’d expect it to or feels like it is struggling when in use. Stop using it and inspect it closely to find the cause of the problem.


Replacing Auger Teeth

Wondering if you need to sharpen auger teeth? In reality, you're better off replacing them. It is always recommended to replace the teeth when you start to notice small signs of wear and tear. This is because the longer you go without replacing the teeth, the more likely your machine will sustain heavy damage in the long run. Regular auger teeth replacement may be costly, but it can actually save you money in the long run and is quite easy when you have the correct tools and components.


Storing Your Auger Properly

As is the case with most large pieces of industrial equipment, proper storage is imperative. For this reason, always keep your auger and auger teeth stored in a dry, temperature-controlled space. Bear in mind that extremes in climate conditions can cause the auger and its components to disintegrate faster, even if it isn’t in constant use.


The Final Word on Auger Maintenance

When it comes to augers, it is clear that preempting issues through scheduled maintenance and inspections is the way forward. Prevention is better than cure, as they say.

Naturally, there will be instances where it is necessary to replace auger components, such as auger teeth which experience wear and tear over time. Replacing these parts in a timely manner will play a significant role when it comes to ensuring the longevity of your auger and saving you money in terms of expensive machinery repairs further down the line.

Likewise, having the knowledge to maintain your auger correctly and spot the signs of damage early can also make a significant difference here. In fact, this could be the difference between having to pay for replacement auger teeth and having to pay for equipment repairs, which can be far more costly, all things considered.

Now, if you are wondering where you can get the best deals on replacement auger teeth, Bunyip Equipment is the place for you. As your one-stop shop for heavy machinery and construction equipment, we take great pride in providing the industry with the best quality equipment at competitive prices

What’s more, at Bunyip Equipment, we have an extensive catalogue of machinery and replacement parts from well-known brands such as Wearlife and Auger Torque. Furthermore, our team are specialists who’ve had years of experience and are always on hand to answer your questions, share their insights and offer advice. So when it comes to replacement auger teeth and much more, shop with Bunyip Equipment for the best deals around.